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Dennis Lang
Phone: +49(0)711 966 89 36
Fax: +49(0)711 966 89 29
Email: d.lang@grub-brugger.de
Dennis Lang is a lawyer at GRUB BRUGGER’s Stuttgart location.
Dennis Lang advises investors and family offices, as well as tenants and landlords on all aspects of real estate commercial law. He focuses on commercial landlord and tenant law, as well as real estate transactions and property development issues. In addition, Dennis Lang has a broad depth of expertise in restructuring branch portfolios and branch offices in crisis situations.
He also advises companies, their executive bodies and shareholders on all insolvency-specific topics and corporate transactions, both before and during crisis situations.
Moreover, Dennis Lang is an experienced litigator and, in particular, conducts ongoing litigation in the tenancy and real estate sector, as well as in construction law and the legistaltion governing contracts for work and services.
- 2008: Started work at GRUB BRUGGER
- Studied law at the University of Tübingen
- Insolvenzanfechtung und Gläubigerbenachteiligung – Welche Kriterien gelten für die Feststellung einer ausreichenden Insolvenzmasse?, ZIP 2020, 1650 gemeinsam mit Dr. Julius Beck
- Suhrkamp Verlag - Rechtsmissbräuchlichkeit eines rechtmäßig eingeleiteten Insolvenzverfahrens? (Abuse of lawfully initiated insolvency proceedings), NZI 2013, 953, together with Dr. Volker Muschalle
- Haftung des Kommanditisten bei Inanspruchnahme durch Minderheitsgesellschafter nicht subsidiär gegenüber Haftung der Gesellschaft (Liability of the limited partners in claims by minority shareholders not subsidiary against the liability of the company), GWR 2013 316
- BGH: Behandlung eines kapitalersetzenden Darlehens in der Insolvenz bei Abtretung (Treatment of a capital-replacement loan in the insolvency in the event of assignment) GWR 2013, 168
- BGH: Atypische stille Gesellschaftsbeteiligung, die Kommanditeinlage vergleichbar ist, ist in Insolvenz nachrangig (Atypical silent partnership participation, comparable to a limited partner's contribution, is subordinated in insolvency), GWR 2012 444
- Prozesskostenhilfe im Insolvenzverfahren unter Berücksichtigung neuerer BGH-Rechtsprechung (Legal aid in insolvency proceedings, taking into account recent case law of the Federal Court of Justice), NZI 2012 746-750
- VOL-Vertrag: Sicherheitseinbehalt von 5% ohne Ablösemöglichkeit unwirksam! (Security deposit of 5% is invalid without the possibility of release), IBR 2011, 212
- Sicherheitseinbehalt nicht auf Sperrkonto eingezahlt: Strafbare Untreue? (Security deposit not paid into a blocked account: a criminal breach of trust?) - IBR 2010, 142
- Sicherheitseinbehalt nicht auf Sperrkonto eingezahlt: (Security deposit not paid into a blocked account: no breach of trust?) - IBR 2010, 28
- Keine Vermögensbetreuungspflicht bei ausschließlich vertraglich vereinbartem Gewährleistungseinbehalt (No obligation of asset support in the case of a solely contractually agreed warranty holdback), IBR 2009, 652
More Information:
- Member of the “Anwaltverein Stuttgart e.V.” bar association
- German Association of Lawyers (DAV)
- Employed on the “jur. Repetitorium Hemmer” (revision course) 2006–2007
- Research Assistant at the Chair of German Legal History and Civil Law under Professor Jan Schröder, 2006 - 2009
- Member of the “Young Insolvency Lawyer Forum”
- Member of the “Insolvency and Reorganisation” working group
- Real estate commercial law
- Commercial tenancy law
- Real estate transactions
- Restructuring of branch portfolios
- Insolvency law
- Contract for work and services law
- Litigation
- Insolvency administration
- Unternehmensberatung
- Wirtschaftsrecht
German, English