Dr. Thilo Schultze


Phone: +49(0)711 966 89 76
Fax: +49(0)711 966 89 29
Email: t.schultze@grub-brugger.de


Dr. Thilo Schultze is a lawyer and partner at GRUB BRUGGER’s Stuttgart location.

Among other things, he is a co-author of the bank commentary on insolvency law, the manual on restructuring in bankruptcy, and co-publisher of the “Forderungspraktiker” journal. Dr. Schultze supports companies in crisis and insolvency, as well as their bodies/institutions, partners and creditors. This is regularly linked to merger and acquisition transactions.  

He also assumes operational responsibility as a liquidator or (double-benefit) trustee. For banks, Dr. Schultze works as a security trustee and pool leader, among other things.   

The Juve Handbook of Leading Business Law Firms lists Dr. Thilo Schultze as a frequently recommended lawyer in the area of restructuring and reorganization („highly competent and assertive“, „pragmatic, solution-oriented“, “excellent in difficult Trusteeships”; competitors).


  • 2013: Specialist lawyer for commercial and company law
  • 2007: Partner at GRUB BRUGGER
  • 2002: Started work at GRUB BRUGGER
  • Studied law in Tübingen
  • Doctorate at the chair of Professor Wernhard Möschel, Eberhard-Karls University, Tübingen


  • Handbuch Restrukturierung in der Insolvenz (HRI), (Handbook of restructuring in bankruptcy), 4th edition 2023, commenting on the effects of the insolvency plan
  • Gesellschafterleistungen mit Finanzierungsfunktion (Shareholder benefits with financing function), DZWir 2021, 74 ff.
  • Die (doppelnützige) (Sanierungs-) Treuhand, (The (double-benefit) (restructuring) trust), in: Jaufer/Nunner-Krautgassner/Schummer (Eds.), Unternehmenssanierung mit Auslandsbezug (Corporate restructuring with a foreign relevance) (2019)
  • Handbuch Restrukturierung in der Insolvenz (HRI), (Handbook of restructuring in bankruptcy), 3rd edition 2018, commenting on the effects of the insolvency plan
  • Bankenkommentar Insolvenzrecht, (Bank commentary, insolvency law), 3nd edition 2016, commenting on the reasons for insolvency, the de facto management and adding to the delay in filing for insolvency
  • Die Eintragung einer Ersatzfirma im Handelsregister durch Insolvenzverwalter nur mit Satzungsänderung (The registration of a replacement company in the commercial register by the insolvency administrator only by amending the articles of association), EWiR 2016, p. 553 ff.
  • Die Verarbeitung fremden Eigentums – Haftungsfalle Fortführung (The processing of another person's property), ZIP 2016, 1198 ff.
  • Handbuch Restrukturierung in der Insolvenz (HRI) (Handbook of restructuring in bankruptcy), 2nd edition 2015, co-author, commenting on the effects of the insolvency plan
  • Cranshaw/Hinkel, Praxiskommentar zum Anfechtungsrecht (practical commentary on the right of appeal), Cranshaw/Hinkel, book review; DZWiR 2014, 197
  • Handbuch Restrukturierung in der Insolvenz (HRI) (Handbook of restructuring in bankruptcy), 1st edition 2012, co-author, commenting on the effects of the insolvency plan
  • Bankenkommentar Insolvenzrecht (Bank commentary, insolvency law), 2nd edition 2012, co-author, commenting on the reasons for insolvency, the de facto management and adding to the delay in filing for insolvency
  • Insolvenz mit Auslandsbezug - Center of Main Interest (Comi) im Sekundär- und Partikularverfahren (Insolvency with an international dimension, centre of main interest (Comi) in secondary and territorial insolvency proceedings), Forderungspraktiker 2011, 274ff., Schultze/Tögel.
  • Kommentierung der §§ 13 – 19 InsO, der faktischen Geschäftsführung sowie der Teilnahme an Insolvenzdelikten im Bankenkommentar zum Insolvenzrecht (Commentary on Sections (§) ‘13-19 of the insolvency law, de facto management, as well as participation in insolvency offences in the bank commentary on insolvency law), Cranshaw/Paulus/Michel, 2011
  • Der Verzicht mit Besserungsabrede in Insolvenz und Plan (The waiver with debtor warrant in bankruptcy and plan), ZIP 2011 1250ff., Schultze/Tögel
  • Die Anfechtung im Drei-Personen-Verhältnis - das unbekannte Risiko (The legal challenge in the three-person relationship - the unknown risk), Banken-Times 2010, 22 f.
  • Aufrechnung mit rückständigen Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen Kommentar zu LSG Essen (Compensation with social security contributions in arrears, comment on Essen Higher Social Court), ruling of 19.10.2006 – L 6 P 92/05, EWiR 2007, 211
  • Die Haftung des Geschäftsführers (The liability of the manager), Handelsblatt Mittelstands-Bibliothek 2007, Muschalle/Schultze
  • Keine Insolvenzanfechtung innerhalb der ARGE-Auseinandersetzung (No contesting of insolvency within the Working Group dispute), IBR 2007, 135
  • Die Haftung des Geschäftsführers (The liability of the manager), Schäffer-Poeschel 2006, Muschalle/Schultze
  • Die Änderung des Firmennamens bei drohender Insolvenz (The change of the company name in the event of imminent insolvency), DZWiR 2005, 56 ff.
  • Verrechnung in der Insolvenz des ARGE-Partners (Settlement in the insolvency of the consortium), IBR 2005 683
  • Contesting the services of a consortium partner, note to the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court, judgment of 24.11.2005 – 1 U 19/05, EWiR 2006, 149 f.
  • Insolvenz – Dilemma oder Chance? (Insolvency – dilemma or opportunity?), M & T 2005, 60 ff.
  • Insolvenz – Dilemma oder Chance? (Insolvency – dilemma or opportunity?), DDH 2005 52 ff.
  • Die Zugabe von Kundenrechten (The assignment of customer rights) (Dissertation, Tübingen 2001)

More Information:

  • Speaker to the German Insolvency Law Symposium, 2016: Evaluation and utilisation of (credit) securities held as current assets
  • Speaker on company law at the specialist law course on insolvency law
  • Speaker at the specialist law symposium of insolvency law in 2008 and 2009
  • Speaker at the Stuttgart “Anwaltverein“ Bar Association: Legal strategies before and during insolvency proceedings
  • Tutor to the German Lawyer Academy on collateral security (2017 und 2018)
  • Lecturer at the Württemberg Academy of Administration and Economics, Stuttgart (2000-2006)
  • Lecturer at the Academy for Professionals and Executives (AKF), Stuttgart (1997-2002)
  • Member of the German Association of Lawyers (DAV)
  • Member of the DAV’s Insolvency Law and Reorganisation Working Group
  • Member of the “Anwaltverein Stuttgart e.V.“ bar association


  • Reorganisation and restructuring
  • Trusteeships
  • Liquidation
  • Company law
  • Insolvency law
  • Banking and capital market law


German, English, Spanish