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Dr. Tobias Rentschler
Phone: +49(0)711 966 89 38
Fax: +49(0)711 966 89 49
Email: t.rentschler@grub-brugger.de
Dr. Tobias Rentschler is a lawyer at GRUB BRUGGER's Stuttgart location.
His main focus is on insolvency law. His main area of activity is in supporting and handling regular insolvency, self-administration and shielded insolvency proceedings.
- 2017: Specialist lawyer for commercial and company law
- 2013: Started work at GRUB BRUGGER
- 2011: Lawyer at a law firm in Stuttgart, oriented towards economic and corporate law
- Doctorate at the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen (Chair of Professor Reichold)
- Studied law at the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen
- Die Gemeinde als Steuergläubigerin im Insolvenzverfahren - Strategien und Risikominimierung von insolvenzrechtlichen Anfechtungsansprüchen (Translation of title: The municipality as a tax creditor in insolvency proceedings - strategies and risk minimisation of avoidance claims under insolvency law), Kommunal Steuer-Zeitschrift, 2022, 5 (Part 1) and 24 (Part 2) , together with Sabrina Rittmann
- Insolvenzrechtliche Anfechtungsansprüche aus gemeindlicher Sicht und Strategien zur Risikominimierung (Claims for rescission under insolvency law from a municipal perspective and strategies for minimising risk), Kommunal-Kassen-Zeitschrift, 2021, 241 (Part 1) and 268 (Part 2), together with Sabrina Rittmann
- Die Arbeitnehmerzuordnung und Wahlberechtigung im Gemeinschaftsbetrieb nach MitbestG (Employee classification and eligibility to vote in joint operation according to the German Codetermination Act (MitbestG)) (dissertation 2016)
- Problematische Firmenkundenkredite (Problematic loans to corporate clients), 5th edition 2016, co-author on the subject of corporate restructuring from a banking perspective (crisis, operational structure, expectations, reorganisation concepts and tools)
- Vergütungsanspruch des gemeinsamen Vertreters der Anleihegläubiger in der Insolvenz des Emittenten (Translation of title: Compensation claim of the bondholders' common representative in the issuer’s bankruptcy), Banken-Times SPEZIAL Sanierung & Insolvenz, 2016, p. 38
- Anfechtbarkeit von Zahlungen an einen uneigennützigen Treuhänder gem. § 133 InsO (Translation of title: Contestability of payments to a disinterested trustee, pursuant to Section (§) 133 of the German Insolvency Law), Banken-Times SPEZIAL Sanierung & Insolvenz, 2016, p. 4
- Rückforderung eines als Festbetrag in AGB vereinbarten Bearbeitungsentgelts nach § 134 InsO (Translation of title: Recovery of a processing fee agreed as a fixed amount in the general terms and conditions, pursuant to Section (§) 134 of the German Insolvency Law), Banken-Times SPEZIAL Sanierung & Insolvenz 2015, p. 2
- Arbeitseinkommen, welches der Schuldner nach der Verfahrenseröffnung aus pfändungsfreiem Einkommen angespart hat, unterliegt dem Insolvenzbeschlag (Translation of title: Earned income, which the debtor has saved from non-garnishable income after the opening of proceedings, is subject to insolvency seizure), Banken-Times Spezial Sanierung & Insolvenz 2014, p. 6
More Information:
- Lecturer on Insolvency Law (insolvency-related consulting / advising major creditors) at the HfWU Nuertingen-Geislingen University
- Member of the Tübingen Legal Society
- Member of the German Association of Lawyers (DAV)
- Member of the Forum of Young Lawyers of the German Association of Lawyers (DAV)
- Insolvency law
- Rule Insolvency Administration
- Self-administration
- Property Management
- Shielded proceedings
- Reorganisation and restructuring
- Insolvency administration
German, English