Dr. Ulrich Lägler
Phone: +49(0)711 966 89 643
Fax: +49(0)711 966 89 29
Email: u.laegler@grub-brugger.de
Dr. Ulrich Lägler is a lawyer at GRUB BRUGGER’s Stuttgart office.
Dr. Lägler advises companies, their executive bodies and shareholders prior to and during a crisis situation. He represents insolvency administrators in the assertion of claims under insolvency and corporate law, as well as third parties in the defence of insolvency-specific claims (in particular, insolvency contestation).
- Since 2021: Lawyer at GRUB BRUGGER
- 2020: Doctorate at the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen (Chair of Professor Reichold)
- 2017-2021: Lawyer at MENOLD BEZLER in Stuttgart
- 2014-2016: Legal internship at the Higher Regional Court District of Stuttgart, Regional Court Heilbronn
- 2009-2014: Studied law at the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen
- Der Beschluss des Restrukturierungsgerichts Karlsruhe vom 25.3.2022 (translation of title: The decision of the Restructuring Court Karlsruhe dated March 25, 2022), ZIP 2023, 622, together with Dr. Frank Schäffler
- Der Verein in der Krise – Das Restrukturierungsverfahren als Alternative zum Insolvenzplan (translation of title: The Association in Crisis - The Restructuring Procedure as an Alternative to the Insolvency Plan), ZStV 2021, 173
- „Mobbing“ als Gegenstand der Compliance-Politik im Unternehmen (translation of title: “Workplace bullying as a subject of compliance policy within the company”) (doctoral thesis)
- Die zweite Chance nutzen (translation of title: Seizing the Second Chance), NJW-aktuell 29/2019, 19, together with Dr. Frank Schäffler
- Zur Insolvenzanfechtung der Besicherung von Gesellschafterdarlehen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entscheidung des BGH v. 14.2.2019 - IX ZR 149/16 (translation of title: For the contestation of the security of shareholder loans in insolvency proceedings, giving special consideration of the decision of the Federal Court of Justice of 14.2.2019), ZInsO 33/2019, 1642, together with Dr. Jasmin Urlaub
- Die Geltendmachung von Ersatz(-)Aussonderungsrechten in der insolvenzrechtlichen Praxis (translation of title: The assertion of replacement separation rights in insolvency law practice), ZIP 2019, 947
More Information:
- Certified restructuring and reorganisation consultant (IfUS Institute Heidelberg)
- Reorganisation and restructuring
- Insolvency law
- Company law
- Sanierung und Restrukturierungsberatung
- Preventive Restructuring Framework (StaRUG)
- Litigation
- Liability of boards of directors and managers
Deutsch, Englisch