Hendrik Wolfer


Phone: +49(0)89 179 59 59 0
Fax: +49(0)89 179 59 59 29
Email: h.wolfer@grub-brugger.de


Hendrik Wolfer is a lawyer and partner at GRUB BRUGGER’s Munich location.

He has a corporate law focus and is also a specialist lawyer for commercial and company law. Mr. Wolfer has particular expertise at the interface to bankruptcy law and has therefore, for many years, mainly been advising businesses and entrepreneurs in crisis situations and in reorganisations out of insolvency through transfer. 

Finally, Hendrik Wolfer has commented on Sections (§§) 11 to 19 of the German Insolvency Act (contained in Beck's online commentary on the German Insolvency Act), has published articles in a number of different journals and is a speaker at specialist events such as the ZInsO Practitioners' Meetings held on 19 February 2019 and 23/24 September 2019 (ZInsO is a German technical journal on insolvency and reorganisation law).

In the German part of the industry magazine “The Legal 500 (2015/2016 edition) Mr. Wolfer was recommended as a “tough but always fair negotiating partner” and “very experienced in advising managing directors and shareholders”. “Handelsblatt” and the publishing house “Best Lawyers” have ranked Hendrik Wolfer among Germany's best lawyers for restructuring and reorganization since 2022.

Finally, Hendrik Wolfer has commented on sections (§) 11 to 19 of the Insolvency Act (InsO), published in the “GWR” journal on corporate and business law from the C.H. Beck publishing house. 


  • 2014: Partner at GRUB BRUGGER
  • 2011: Specialist lawyer for commercial and company law
  • 2010: Started work at GRUB BRUGGER
  • 2006: Lawyer at Nachmann Rechtsanwälte, Munich
  • Studied law at the University of Konstanz


  • Commentary on sections (§) 11 to 19 of the “BeckOK InsO”
  • Geschäftsführerschädliche Beihilfe zum Bankrott (Aiding and abetting bankruptcy detrimental to managing directors), NZG 2020, 379
  • Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Straf- und Insolvenzverfahren nach der Reform der strafrechtlichen Vermögensabschöpfung (The conflict between criminal and insolvency proceedings following the reform of criminal-law asset recovery), NZI 2018, 734
  • Verhinderung von Missbrauch der GmbH-Gesellschafterliste im Rahmen von Gesellschafterstreitigkeiten (Prevention of abuse of the “GmbH” shareholders list in the context of shareholder disputes), Wolfer/Adams, GWR 2014, 339
  • Offenlegung der wirtschaftlichen Neugründung - Unterbilanzhaftung, Handelndenhaftung und Auswirkungen in der Insolvenz (Disclosure of the economic re-establishment - adverse balance liability, trader liability and their impacts on insolvency), Wolfer/ Tögel, GWR 2012, 21
  • Auskunftsansprüche des mittelbar beteiligten Anlegers an einer Publikums-KG auf Daten seiner Mitgesellschafter und Zulässigkeit Kommunikation regelnder Vertragsklauseln, NZG 2011, 854
  • Anspruch auf Daten von Mitgesellschaftern in Personengesellschaften? (Information rights of the investor indirectly involved in a public KG (limited partnership) on data from its partner and the admissibility of contractual clauses regulating communication, right to information from co-partners in partnerships?) Ein Überblick über die Rechtsprechung nach BGH (An overview of case law according to the Federal Court of Justice), Az. II ZR 187/09, GWR 2011, 77
  • Verschiedene Urteilsbesprechungen in der GWR - Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht (Various judgment reviews in corporate and business law), e.g
    • Federal Court of Justice: Kein Bargeschäftsprivileg zugunsten des Geschäftsführers bei seiner Haftung für Zahlungen nach Insolvenzreife - judgment of 4.7.2017 – II ZR 319/15, GWR 2017, 388
    • Federal Court of Justice: Umfassende Sperrwirkung und Einziehungsbefugnis des Insolvenzverwalters im Verhältnis zu Gesellschaftsgläubigern nach § 93 InsO (Comprehensive blocking effect and collection rights of the insolvency administrator in relation to company creditors according to Section (§) 93 of the Insolvency Act (InsO)) - judgment of 17.12.2015 - IX ZR 143/13, GWR 2016, 126
    • Higher Regional Court Hamm: Rechtsstellung des Vermieters in der Insolvenz der Tochtergesellschaft (Legal status of the lessor in the insolvency of the subsidiary) - judgment from 21.11.2013 - 18 U 145/12, GWR 2014, 68
    • Federal Court of Justice: Steuerberater einer GmbH muss Geschäftsführer nicht von sich aus auf insolvenzrechtliche Pflichten hinweisen (The accountants of a “GmbH” do not have to indicate insolvency law obligations to managing directors themselves) – BGH (Federal Court of Justice), judgment of 07/03/2013 - Az. IX ZR 64/12, GWR 2013, 203
    • Federal Court of Justice: Vollständige Abwicklung der Publikumsgesellschaft durch Liquidatoren (Complete winding-up of a public company by liquidators), judgment of 15.11.2011 - II ZR 266/09, GWR 2012 151
    • Federal Court of Justice: Gesamtvertretungsbefugnis aller Gesellschafter nach Auflösung der Publikums-GbR (Joint power of representation of all investors after the by winding-up of a public GbR (partnership under the Civil Code)), 05.07.2011 - II ZR 199/10 u. a., GWR 2011, 445
    • Federal Court of Justice: Zurechnung der Kenntnisse verschiedener Behörden desselben Rechtsträgers im Rahmen einer Insolvenzanfechtung (Imputation of knowledge of various authorities of the same legal entity in the context of an insolvency dispute), judgment of 30.06.2011 - IX ZR 155/08, GWR 2011, 392
    • Higher Regional Court, Munich: Künftiger Gesellschafter haftet nicht für Existenzvernichtungseingriff eines Dritten vor Geschäftsanteilsübertragung (Future partner is not liable for a third-party intervention that destroys the economic basis of a company before assignment of shares), judgment of 20.05.2009- 7 U 3724/08, GWR 2009, 422


  • Company law
  • Company acquisition/M&A
  • Company acquisitions in special situations (distressed mergers and acquisitions)
  • Commercial law
  • Liability of boards of directors and managers
  • Litigation
  • Reorganisation and restructuring
  • Insolvency law
  • Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Self-administration
  • Preventive Restructuring Framework (StaRUG)
  • Trusteeships


German, English